Flower Dress with Hellebores

Every year, we join fellow Slow Flowers Members to celebrate American Flowers Week. Together, we celebrate American-grown flowers in all 50 states, and designers from all over the country are paired with local growers to create botanical couture fashion. This past year, we were one of 12 designers selected to create a couture look for American Flowers Week. This flower dress was SO much fun to create, and you can see all 12 designs (as well as the stories behind them) in this amazing, free flip book. They are all such wonderful creations, and we are so grateful to be in such an elite group of artists. Below, you'll see our flower dress made entirely of local hellebores from Skagit Valley. You can see more behind-the-scenes from this collaboration over on our blog, as well.

Debra Prinzing, Founder of Slow Flowers: @dkprinzing | American Flowers Week
Carolyn Kulb, Floral Designer: @bloompoet_ | Bloom Poet
Pamela Youngsman, Hellebore Grower: @poppystarts | Poppy Starts
Missy Palacol, Photographer: @missy.palacol | Missy Palacol Photography
Tasia Baldwin, Model: @_tasiajb
Deleana Guerrero, Hair & Makeup: @guerrerodelavida_artistry@luxeartistryseattle | Luxe Artistry Seattle